
Showing posts from March, 2006
last week , me forget to write down in my blog...delay one week..At last week, my fren YAP, invite us, YAP KIM HUNG, YAP KIM FAH, DAVID NGIENG, ME, WALLACE N YAP him self...go to PARKCITY stay one nite. when i arriv there just go to swim... after swimming, we go to room, n enjoy the environment... HOHOHO........VERY ENJOY LEH.........look at me like a king!!!!!NAKED KING!!!haha!!!! see....they all sleep like a PIG....haha!!!
WOW....WOW....WOW.....i found back my watch already...this morning, i wake up and go downstair...i realize my watch was appear at the cupboard there...dun know why it will appear one..i think is christopher(kid) take it and hide it.. but anyway, thanks to him, i learn some lesson, dun put anything messy.....:)
this nite i go to the Euro travel fun fair.....WOW!!!!!! very excited...long time i dun have this kind of feeling loh.....i scream , i shout, i say the rude words.....all coming out.....but feeling good lah....muah hahahaha.........
i lost my watch leh....i dun know where i lost it..somebody help me find my watch..that is first time i using my salary buy one..WATCH....WHERE R U? :(
today i dun know i can say is lucky or unlucky........ i have take my fou pai to packing. i pack two. after the shop is done. then he call me to take it. when i arrive the shop. WOW! the two fou pai he pack very beautiful. then the fou pai put into at the ang pao, then i just go to my car. when i drive, i saw the fou pai, huh!!!!only got one .then i find the hole car to see got lost at car or not. huh! dun have at car. then i very nervous, then i go straght to the shop. u know what happen? lucky i drop at the shop, and the lao pan have keep it. i found it back my fou pai.thanks to the lao pan.THANKS!!!!
this afternoon, that girl is very very very boring. she said she wanna dry liaw....she have waiting the job career reply......look like wanna dry liaw...
今天早上, 我把一支棒棒糖和我最喜爱的漫画书送给了那个女孩. 那女孩请我到她家坐会儿. 我就把我的电单车放好, 跟着我就坐在沙发上. 当时电视在播着NATIONAL GEOGRAPHY,我的心情有点紧张. 那女孩竟然拿了一本IQ书送给我. 我看了看有点喜欢.于是我们就边聊边和她家的小孩玩耍.就在这时我看了时钟,以经是要中午了.我就跟她说我要走了. 我们的眼神交错, 都带有点依依不舍.我就忍着我的眼泪不让它掉落的跟她说了拜拜. 就在回家的路途中, 我电话响了, 是个未接来电. 我就那起电话看了一下, 是那女孩的号码. 我就骑着我的电单车倒回去她家里. 我在她家不远处打了一通电话问什么事. 原来她要我陪她去超市买点东西. 我就载她到超市去了. 在超市她买了锁头,巧克力,糖果. 然后她就走到秤重机磅了一下, 她又发先她好像瘦了2公斤. 我看了一下她, 脸上浮出了笑容, 非常开心的. 我们买完东西过后, 她说要去提钱, 于是我就载她到提款机提钱. 然后就直接送她回家了. 在她家门口. 在回家的途中, 我的心情带着依依不舍的心情. 我走去我以前工作的地方, 咦!有免费的麦当劳吃. 我的旧同事就叫我留下来吃.我问我的久同事有没有去送那个女孩的班机, 她说她也不清楚. 我就告诉她如果有去就call我. 于是我就等我那旧同事的通知. 大约等了两个种, 我接到了一通电话, 是我的旧同事. 她说现在要上飞机场了. 我就赶紧到她的车. 到了飞机场, 我们还骗那个女孩只有我一个人来. 当她看到我们整群旧同事来送她的机. 她开心到给了我们每一个拥抱. 然后我们就坐在咖啡厅, 聊了几句. 时间过的好快, 到时间该上飞机了. 这时我们真的很舍不得, 脚步很沉重, 慢慢的走到关卡. 那女孩也很舍不得给了我们几个拥抱. 她还跟我说了一句"好好照顾自己". 当她走进去的时后, 我的眼泪差点要流了出来, 不过我还是忍着了. 在飞机上, 她打开我送她的礼物. 她说她很喜欢那份礼物, 因为它陪她度过在飞机上无聊的时光.当她到了新加玻的时侯, 她还给我打了一通电话报平安. 就在这个夜晚, 因为她的离去, 让我感到...
Yesterday my streamyx have problem, so i call telekom technician to fix the streammyx. He fix my streamyx using two days to fix it. In the end, the technician have done his job very well. At here, i have to thank the technician very very much..THANKS!!!!
that is that evening, the girl stand on the rock .this is the last day she at miri so i shoot the pic.
This evening, the girl ask me go to the beach with her. Then i promise her. This is the last evening she at Miri because tomorrow she will go to johor baru and go to Singapore. When i arrive the beach, i haven saw her is arrive. After around 15 minit, i saw her is come. Then, i have shoot a few photo for her. She give me some kind a ping an fu to me. And i give the present i prepare one to her and i ask her open when in the aeroplane. She ask me fetch her with motor cycle, then i fetch her until the rock side. She shout very very loud and face to the sea, and she said she is very happy when she saw the sea and hear the wave sound. Then we sit at the rock, she talk about her friend and family. When she talking about her family, she trying to cry again. Then we are very silent to see the sun going down. At that time, i hope the time can stop, to keep the good time for us. But this is imposible, the time still run, the day is getting dark. So we go back where we come. ...
Today,i have using my cycle( JAGUH ) to fetch a girl cycling along beside the beach....Oh!!....nice feeling..i haven have a feeling like this.Then, the girl said i give her a very hard to forget this huang huen. N she said she will never forget this huang huen. N she said thank to me. I will like to thank to her give me a change to do this kind of thing.thanks!
Hehe...first time write the now very happy because my my fren sis is gonna register wedding today, n my fren be them withness..