你信赖自己的想法吗?可能你会认为,我的想法和我相处了一辈子,我怎能不信赖它呢?关键是,你的想法有协助你成长吗?还是它一直引导你陷入烦恼? 一切由心造,“心”指的不是你的想法,“心”指的是你的深层意识,想法只是你的表层意识,真正在掌控你的,是你那颗深层的“心” ,也就是所谓的深层意识。 比如你很喜欢吃蛋糕,但是有一次因为你无意中在吃蛋糕的时候吃到一只蟑螂,你从此以后都对蛋糕产生了恐惧感,从此不再喜欢吃蛋糕了。你很想吃蛋糕,但你的“心”却让你产生恐惧,最后你选择了讨厌蛋糕。其实你讨厌的不是蛋糕,而是蟑螂。哪又是谁让你讨厌蛋糕呢?是你的“心”,而不是蟑螂。 你在生活中不是经常都那样吗?你很想成功,但是因为过往失败的经验让你产生了恐惧,让你不敢再往前迈进。你以前不是经常都快乐的吗?但却因为某个人、事、物而使你对人不再信任,对事不再感兴趣,对生命不再展现活力,从此不再欢笑。切记,人生没有所谓的失败,只有学习,只有成长。 我们都活在自己过去主观的经验里头,这些主观经验一直操控着我们的想法,从而操控我们的行为。这些所有的主观经验一直储藏在我们的“心”,它就是掌控我们行为背后的黑手。 经验本身没有对于错、好与坏之分,只是你给了经验什么样的定义而已;你给予的定义将决定往后在发生类似事件时,选择怎么去回应而已。 假设你曾经被男友欺骗,此经验可能让你觉得爱情是虚假的,男人是靠不住的;同样的,你也可能觉得爱情原来是那么好玩的,而我开始能够了解男人在想什么了。如果往后类似事件再发生,你很自然地就会回到你的“心”去探索,回忆过往类似的经验,然后以自己的经验去诠释、去回应。 如果你因为数学科目进步了,得到家人的赞美和鼓励,此主观经验可能让你获得无穷的能量。每当你再次得到赞美和鼓励时,你就会回到当时数学科目进步被赞美和鼓励的感觉,此经验将协助你进入好的自我感觉状态。 经验只是你在事情发生的当下你获得的感受而已,它不是真实的,也不代表你人生的一切。但很多人往往却把一个事件的发生,当成是整个人生的判断。比如一个女人发现丈夫有外遇,婚姻因此而破灭,因为这个经验,她也把自己未来的人生也毁灭了;学生因为一次考试的不及格,可能就认定整个人生也不及格了;又或者一位生意人因一次的错误投资,输掉了整个身家,甚至还面临破产,此单一经验可能就毁掉了他的人生。因为,它觉得财务破产就是人生破产。 切记,人生没有失败,只有学...
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Its been a long time no blogging already... i think i have to record my journey from now ... start from now, everyday is a new adventure. no matter what we face, happy, sad, angry, disappointed.... we have to face it... everyone after get through the barrier, will learn something with that. here we go... GO FOR GLORY! by gorillachong
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Self Actualization Maslow believed we have a hierarchy of needs, beginning with (a) basic needs for food, shelter, then (b) needs for safety and security, (c) needs for love and belonging, (d) the need for self esteem, and (e) the need for self-actualization. We cannot meet the higher-order needs until the lower ones are met. A hungry or fearful person will not recognize yet their need for self actualization. I had break the law. I had break the step. First, we have to get the basic needs. But i was wrong, i think that love can get thought everything. Before the safety and security. I have to learn step by step, I think i was rush to get success. Nevermind, learn from mistake, but not twice. Eight Ways To Self Actualize Work towards meeting and satisfying the lower-order needs (food, shelter, then safety and security, then love and belonging, and then self esteem). Once you have done this, and I acknowledge that it may be difficult and time-consuming, you will be able to make progress ...
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I have make my angel disappoint. King kong and mao mao had been break. King Kong cant make it like a man that what mao mao said. King kong had very up sad mood. He have to say that in the path of love, we have to learn each other. It doesnt like we have like a barbarian to control everything. We are have to forgive everything when you have love someone, even thought he have been doing something mistake, Love can cover everything. Let the time cure my broken heart.
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Already have been one week we are not had meet. Mao mao, in only pretend im not missing you, but in my heart, im very very miss you. i know we have been destroy by the reality. Oftenlly, happiness always out of stock in reality. Mao mao, i know you have to do all the thing for you family, im not blame you. Im also have love my family first. Although we have been settle all the thing. Do we have chance together? i know is very difficult to answer now, but i have use my action to prove that i can bring you happiness. i love you. Mao mao... missing you in my heart...